Big post on Books
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
By James Randi -
The Skeptic's Dictionary
A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions
By Robert Carroll
Both are fun “coffee table” type books, not really for reading cover to cover, but fun to browse through and read small sections. There is a priceless section in the back of Encyclopedia of Claims... on “Forty-Nine End-of-the-World Prophesies—That Failed”. Any time someone brings up a future prophecy, looking through the list of failures brings strong reassurance.
Last book I've read:
Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions
By James Randi
A great book that acts as a personal account of Randi's experiences dealing with ... well, delusions. Chapters I enjoyed include that on the Cotttingley Glen Fairies, and that on fringe religion, like Scientology and the Jonestown cult. Some choice passages regarding Scientology make it sound crazy even back in 1982!
"...and the Church of Scientology set out on a project code-named “Operation PC Freak Out” to discredit and harass Ms. Cooper. In return for her determination to speak out, she has suffered ever since. She was robbed, threatened with a gun, and vilified in letters sent to her neighbors..." (pp. 247)
The story of the Jonestown cult and mass-suicide is a compelling reminder as to what can happen when people abandon reason. Watch out for your friends and family, don't let them fall so far they hurt themselves with non-sense.
Currently reading:
Why People Believe Weird Things
Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
By Michael Shermer
So far so good, I really enjoy his writing on psychology and why people develop fallacious thinking. About to start the chapter on Alien Abduction.
Next up:
The Science of Good and Evil
Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule
By Michael ShermerSpook
Science Tackles the Afterlife
By Mary Roach
Two books I'm looking forward too, but I couldn't speak to either of them.
Feel free to make suggestions to this list, I'll be adding it as a more permanent section of the blog. I'll probably also post book reviews as I finish them.
PS: I added a reading list to the sidebar.
PPS: I made some big template changes. I'm trying to make this very Day focused. So now only one post on the front page, and you'll be able to see any comments right there.
Aaron, on 12/20/2005 1:12 AM
I also want to give credit where credit is due. I was looking for a page counter, and after browsing the offerings of a few, found StatCounter. It's free, no ad, and no required icon or linkback. I don't even need to have stats visible on the page, though I choose to. Yea for StatCounter!
Aaron, on 12/20/2005 4:57 AM
Ooh, thanks for the StatCounter link.
I'm not sold on the one-day layout though.
Lucas, on 12/20/2005 1:59 PM
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