eSkeptic & Bust-UP
Sorry this post is up late. I just got the latest eSkeptic with a preview of the newest issue of Skeptic magazine. I'm looking forward to the Mythbusters piece, as I'm a big fan of their work. I'll read the preview articles sometime this week and perhaps comment. But on with the show.
I just heard that a popular Japaneses bubblegum, B2UP, will be making it's way State-side soon. This gum, from Good One Ltd., claims to “increase breast size, improve circulation, reduce stress and fight aging”. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There apparently is even a study on the mater, from Thailand's Chulalongkorn University, which I haven't been able to find yet. The study claims 50 subjects with 18% showing a major increase in bust size and 54% showing a measurable increase. But we all know how badly studies can be botched up. Not to mention the gum needs to be chewed four times a day! In any case, I don't know enough to say anything affirmative. But until we can get our hands on these studies, and other studies confirm the results, this could be nothing more than marketing. The marketing at least, almost always works if no one has the common sense to ask a few questions about the claims. [FitCommerce] [BBC]